This is featured post 1 title
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.

This is featured post 2 title
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.

This is featured post 3 title
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.

Thursday, March 20, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Thai MV-หาย-Klear เพลงประกอบ OST รัก/สาม/เศร้า
9 Tips to Start Blogging Successfully
5. Technical know how is required
Lack of technical know-how can hinder you from tweaking your blog and giving it the finesse and feel that you envisaged for your blog. Serious bloggers will have to dabble with HTML, JavaScript and so on. It is this technology that can give the blog the uniqueness, user-friendliness and functionality that makes it stand out. Be prepared to invest some time in learning web technologies. Being search engine savvy can go a long way in getting the traffic that you are looking for.
6. Research, Read, Reflect
Every post is a brand new post. Don’t be surprised that you would have to regularly research on your topic, as there is always something new out there. Read what others have to say and reflect. It involves a lot of hard work, patience, persistence to read content, assimilate and formulate your own content. At times, you should be ready to dig deep within your self.
Thai MV-เลียนแบบเธอ-Dr.Fuu
9 Tips to Start Blogging Successfully
3. High Quality Content can get hard to produce consistently
Posting quality content consistently keeps your readers engaged and makes them come back for more. In the initial days posting is easy since you will have a lot of ideas in your mind. However, delivering high quality content to your readers day after day gets tougher as time progresses and ideas dry up. You need to keep innovating and ideating constantly.
4. Marketing your blog is hard work
Once you have content in your blog, its time to tell the world. The challenge is – ‘How do you tell prospective readers that your blog has what they are looking for?’ Social networking sites like stumbleupon, orkut, twitter, facebook and a zillion other websites are breeding grounds for finding prospective readers. Building your network can be a time consuming, never ending task, but it doesn’t end there, you need to make the effort to make your network aware of your blog. The benefits can only be exponential. Getting them to post comments is a completely different ball game.
Thai MV-รักฉันเรียกว่าเธอ-Kamikaze
9 Tips to Start Blogging Successfully
1. Have a Consistent URL
The identity you create for your blog lies in the URL. Once you decide on a URL for your blog, do not ever change it. Every time you change it you need to popularize your blog all over again. Besides, the technical problem is that the search engines and articles that reference posts in your blog have links to the older URL and it can create a lot of confusion and hence lost readership. Choose your URL carefully and stick to it.
2. Choice of subject to blog about
Choose the subject of your blog with care and consideration. Your blog should mirror your passion and knowledge on the subject. Identify whether you will be able to consistently post on the subject. Some topics that are search engine friendly and that never really die out are technology blogs, product related blogs, city centric blogs and money making blogs. There is always news to give your readers and also there are a lot of points to discuss on. More challenging blogs to write are blogs on thoughts, ideas, short stories, poems. In these blogs you have to be able to provide self- driven original content whereas in the previous kind there are other websites from where you can draw inspiration and ideas.
1. Have a Consistent URL
The identity you create for your blog lies in the URL. Once you decide on a URL for your blog, do not ever change it. Every time you change it you need to popularize your blog all over again. Besides, the technical problem is that the search engines and articles that reference posts in your blog have links to the older URL and it can create a lot of confusion and hence lost readership. Choose your URL carefully and stick to it.
2. Choice of subject to blog about
Choose the subject of your blog with care and consideration. Your blog should mirror your passion and knowledge on the subject. Identify whether you will be able to consistently post on the subject. Some topics that are search engine friendly and that never really die out are technology blogs, product related blogs, city centric blogs and money making blogs. There is always news to give your readers and also there are a lot of points to discuss on. More challenging blogs to write are blogs on thoughts, ideas, short stories, poems. In these blogs you have to be able to provide self- driven original content whereas in the previous kind there are other websites from where you can draw inspiration and ideas.
Thai MV-คนดื้อดึง-Nice 2 Meet U
Have Blogs Killed Conventional Websites?
You can use a shopping cart to collect money for e-commerce of a website. Same with a blog.
You can set up a press room with all sorts of cool links and forms on a website. Same with a blog.
It takes three to six months for the big search engines to find you with a website. It takes two or three days with a blog.
You can easily track stats of who has visited your regular website. Same with a blog.
The media are more likely to find you on a blog.
You can learn more about your audience from a blog.
You market automatically with a blog. But not with a conventional website.
You can make a lot more friends with a blog.
The list appears to go on and on, but you get the picture. Blogs are, quite simply, the next wave. So if you’re thinking about setting up a site, stop in your tracks and turn towards blogs instead!
Thai MV ขอบใจนะ - แพรว คณิตกุล อัลบั้ม D.I.Y.
Have Blogs Killed Conventional Websites?
It’s a question that’s been bugging me profoundly since I got into blogging over a year ago. Blogs are cheap, easy, efficient, wildly easy to find on the Net, super marketing-friendly, and just plain fun. They work rings around websites.
So are conventional websites no longer necessary? To find out, I interviewed Andy Wibbels, the original blogging evangelist and author of the excellent book, Blogwild!. Here’s the short version of what I learned.
Websites are clunky and expensive; blogs are lean and cheap.
You have to wait for someone to make changes to your website; your blog can be changed easily by you.
You have to wait for someone else to set up your site; your blog can be set up by you in 15 minutes.
You can update your blog at an airport, while you’re on the run. You have to call your webmaster … and wait … to update your site.
You can collect email addresses, and download free reports and bonuses off of a website. Same with a blog.
Thai MV เจ็บไหม - พั้นช์ วรกาญจน์(Moman Story )
Adsense Tips for Bloggers 1
How do you make money from the Google Adsense Program? What AdSense Tips can you share with us?
I have been asked this question so many times in the past few weeks that I thought I should write something on the topic. It seems increasingly bloggers want to try to cover their hosting and ISP costs with some revenue from their blog - and increasingly they’re doing it and are able to make a few (or quite a lot) dollars on the side. Many are turning to Google’s Adsense program.
Covering costs of my Digital Photography Blog is why I originally signed up with Google Adsense - blogging can get expensive when you have high levels of traffic and a lot of pages.
Whilst the agreement you sign with Google stresses that you are not allowed to give specific information about your earnings from the program I can say that I’m glad I’ve signed up because its well and truly covered my costs - and then some. In fact I think its quite feasible to expect that Adsense coupled with other strategies for making money from Blogging could quite easily generate a decent living. It takes time and hard work, but I think its very doable. (Update: Since writing this series I’ve revealed that I am now looking at making over a six figure income this year in 2005 from blogging).
Thai MV-กันและกัน(ost.รักแห่งสยาม)-คิว วงฟลัวร์
Blogging Tips for Beginners
Welcome to my Blogging Tips for Beginners Guide.
On the page below you’ll find links to a series of posts that I’ve written with beginner bloggers (and ‘Pre’ Bloggers in mind. It unpacks the basics of blogging and a lot of the decisions and strategies that you’ll want to consider when setting up and starting a blog.
Before I start - let me point you to an excellent series of videos by Jon Symons which are ideal for beginner bloggers wanting to learn how to register a domain name, set up hosting and set up a WordPress blog on it. They are aimed at the very beginner and run through some of the technical aspects of setting up a blog. The $15 cost of the videos is well worth it in my opinion.
By the way - if you enjoy these posts and want to keep in touch with ProBlogger -