Have Blogs Killed Conventional Websites?
It’s a question that’s been bugging me profoundly since I got into blogging over a year ago. Blogs are cheap, easy, efficient, wildly easy to find on the Net, super marketing-friendly, and just plain fun. They work rings around websites.
So are conventional websites no longer necessary? To find out, I interviewed Andy Wibbels, the original blogging evangelist and author of the excellent book, Blogwild!. Here’s the short version of what I learned.
Websites are clunky and expensive; blogs are lean and cheap.
You have to wait for someone to make changes to your website; your blog can be changed easily by you.
You have to wait for someone else to set up your site; your blog can be set up by you in 15 minutes.
You can update your blog at an airport, while you’re on the run. You have to call your webmaster … and wait … to update your site.
You can collect email addresses, and download free reports and bonuses off of a website. Same with a blog.
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